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Koi Tuxedo Guppy


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Koi Tuxedo Guppy

The Koi Tuxedo Guppy (Poecilia reticulata) is an uncommon and striking guppy variety known for its vivid orange, dark blue, and white coloration, which is present in both males and females. The unique feature of this variety is that males boast this eye-catching coloration across their entire body and fins, making them truly captivating aquatic pets!

In their natural behavior, guppies typically inhabit the upper level of the water column. However, they can also be observed swimming and foraging in the middle and bottom levels of the aquarium. Guppies are lively and active swimmers, and it’s essential to provide them with an environment that ensures their safety. Due to their inclination to jump, it is advisable to keep them in an aquarium equipped with a secure lid, hood, or canopy. Alternatively, maintaining a lowered water level can prevent accidental escapes.

One of the reasons guppies are highly favored among aquarists is their peaceful nature. They are generally not disruptive to plants in the aquarium and make excellent tankmates with other peaceful fish species. However, it’s crucial to avoid housing them with fish known for nipping at the long, flowing tails of the guppies. To promote harmony in the tank, it’s recommended to keep guppies in small groups rather than solitary.

Adult dwarf shrimp are usually compatible tankmates with guppies, but it’s essential to consider that guppies may prey on shrimp fry if given the opportunity. In larger community setups, peaceful invertebrates can also coexist harmoniously with these captivating guppies.

In terms of diet, the Koi Tuxedo Guppy is not a finicky eater and will readily consume a variety of foods. To maintain their vibrant colors and overall health, it is best to provide them with a well-rounded diet that includes meaty foods. High-quality flake food, pellets, and frozen or freeze-dried options like tubifex and bloodworms are all eagerly accepted by these energetic fish.

In conclusion, the Koi Tuxedo Guppy stands out as a rare and visually stunning variety within the guppy world. Their vivid orange, dark blue, and white coloration in both males and females, combined with their active nature, make them a prized addition to any aquarium. By providing them with suitable tank conditions, compatible tankmates, and a varied diet, you can ensure that these elegant fish thrive and continue to grace your aquarium with their alluring presence.


1 Fish, 1 Male 2 Female, 1 Pair


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